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MOON MAGIC Astrological Timing for Success – April 2009

moon-graphic-300x3001Every five hundred years the Phoenix dies in flames and is born anew from it’s ashes. An old world passes away and a new world is born. The return of Venus as Morning Star signals the flight of the Phoenix according to the ancient Egyptians.

Psychic renewal comes as Venus rises fresh from the sea of our inner world. Renaissance comes to the outer world. The New Venus brings new love, new artistry, a new creation.

Venus also rules money. Those in the good graces of Venus will be in the right place at the right time to make the right connections to receive what is needed. Yoga, tai chi, freeform dance and other forms of body culture help release muscle tensions that may inhibit connection with the goddess of love and abundance. Another way to find favor with the goddess is rising early to catch her rays.

April 1- New Relationships and Friendships New Venus Rising

April 1 is sacred to Aphrodite, the goddess for whom this month is named. It’s also April Fools Day and we’re all a fool for love. On this day this year Venus rises New just before the Sun. A New Venus Cycle begins every 19 months when Venus appears as Morning Star. Special new relationships and new friendships will be formed these next few weeks.

April 1-2 - Open-Minded and Imaginative Moon Out of Bounds North

During this time new ideas are more easily and successfully shared and it’s an ideal time for starting new business ventures or having social gatherings. Share new opportunities, make announcements, do promotions or bring new discoveries to light.

April 2-3 – Releasing the Old, Powering the New 1st Quarter Moon

This Moon is like a scythe cutting across the sky. It is time for decision, a time to cut free the past and affirm our purpose (spirit fire) for the new time. April 3-4 – New Fire Rama Navama and Cherokee Fire Festival

Each year at 1st Spring Quarter Moon, the Hindu celebrate Rama Navama, the birth of the fire god Ram, while the Cherokee gather for their Spring New Fire Ceremony. Ram is the divine king who returns to annihilate evil. In the Cherokee view, a New Fire from ‘the elder fire above’ comes to drive out the demons of the old year. It is believed that Rama fulfills the wishes of all who fast and pray this day. April 7- A Magic Portal Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point South

Lunar 0 Points are cosmic balance times ideal for creative imagination. 0 South is good for letting go old ways and surrendering to spirit before entering the under world in quest for vision. The magic portal opens for about two hours 7:50– 9:50 am.

April 8 - Changing Ways Passover

This is the time to cross ‘the Red Sea’ from old world ways to the new.  The hours of Sunrise are ideal times for making changes in ourselves and our world. All we need do is think of what we want to let go and what we want to empower, breathe and focus on the light.

April 9 – Illumination Passover/Easter Full Moon

This is when the goddess Eostre and her magic rabbit bring the new ‘world egg’ containing all that is to be. This Full Moon begins a two-month higher interlude believed to be the most creative time of the year. Each Full Moon is a time of revelation and meditation, chanting, drumming, and dancing all help receive the blessings. Spiritual energies flow the three days following the Full Moon. Revelations may come in dreams, chance encounters or flashes of inspiration.

April 12 – Meet the Sun Easter Sunday

Easter is the 1st Sunday following the 1st Full Moon after Spring Equinox. The Spiritual Sun is renewed this Sunday at Sunrise following the 1st Spring union of Sun and Moon. Meeting the rising Sun on Easter Sunday is an old shamanic tradition. The vital spirit of Spring is fully awakened so we can become conscious of our role at this higher turn in the spiral of creation. Apr 12 -16 - Energize the Unconscious Moon Out of Bounds South

When the Moon travels the ‘underworld,’ our inner world is illuminated. Subconscious patterns of belief and behavior are revealed and may more easily be reformed. We experience emotional challenges relating to any area of life where we’ve been blocked or hiding from ourselves. This is a time to go beneath the surface, do research, change habits and renovate our inner world.

April 20-22  – Make a Wish Balsamic Moon

The Balsamic Moon/Wishing Moon is a time for putting wishes on the air. and bringing people to mind for healing. Needs felt now invoke response from the coming lunar cycle. Venus rising with the Moon brings a special blessing.

April 21 – A Cosmic Balance Time Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point North

Lunar 0 Points are cosmic balance times for creative imagination. Moon at the Equator moving North is like Spring Equinox, a time to envision. This magic window opens for two hours 5:45 – 7:45 pm. April 23 - April 25 – Time to Look Within Dark of the Moon

The Dark of the Moon is a 3-day period beginning the day before New Moon and ending when the crescent becomes visible. While unfavorable for outward activities, this time is ideal for inner work. The New Moon (Apr 24 11:23 pm) is a cosmic spring from which to draw new vitality and good luck for the future. This is also a good time to clean and clear the home to make ready for a new lunar cycle. April 26-29 – Time to Sow New Moon Crescent

This Taurus Moon offers opportunities for realizing our hopes and dreams and the next few days are ideal for all new beginnings. More especially so in this cycle as the Moon is Out of Bounds North April 26-30. Speak up, let your needs be known and announce your plans to the world. The Moon tide energizes all we bring forward to be empowered. What we plant in our inner garden now will flower throughout the year.

Steve Nelson is a professional astrologer who uses tarot, name analysis, and traditional astrology to help clients realize natural talents and understand personal myths. He may be reached at 704-375-3759 or email [email protected]†

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