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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

August Embodied WayShower Retreat in NC Mountains

Katie Sutton and Josh Vogt, the husband-and-wife musical duo from Charlotte and co-founders of the Zen Within Academy, will host an Embodied WayShower retreat from August 17 to 20 at the Bend of Ivy Lodge, in Marshall, North Carolina. Activities will include many channeled teachings and workshops, sound and vibrational energy healing ceremonies, yoga and conscious movement practices, meditation, breathwork and other somatic practices and journaling exercises to help attendees cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies and their wisdom, find their own Zen within and live with greater presence, purpose and passion.

The academy is an online and in-person community supporting awakening souls through retreats, one-on-one sessions, workshops and online classes. 

“Embodiment is about reclaiming our birthright to live in a harmonious, connected state with ourselves and the world around us,” they say. “When we embody our true selves, we tap into a deep well of wisdom and intuition that guides us towards a fulfilling, authentic life. An embodied wayshower is someone who guides others onto their path simply by being themselves." 

“The Embodied WayShower is designed to help you break free from limiting beliefs, cultivate greater self-awareness and develop a more harmonious relationship with yourself and the world around you.”

For more information or to register, visit

Zen Within Academy - 7515 Watercrest Road Charlotte NC

Zen Within Academy

Integrative healing sessions, workshops, retreats and online classes geared towards individuals at all levels on the spiritual path. Read More » 


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