KUDOS: Annual Southeast Regional Integrative Medicine Conference in Asheville

Signature Wellness Clinical Team
The annualSoutheast Regional Integrative Medicine Conference, sponsored by theNorth Carolina Integrative Medicine Society (NCIMS), was held in Asheville, on June 15 and 16. Attended by nearly 100 providers from around the region, it offered professional lectures covering such topics as natural hormone balance, the human microbiome, and nutritional medicine to keep practitioners—including doctors, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, naturopaths, nutritionists and others—up to date on the latest research.
The NCIMS is a nonprofit organization of healthcare practitioners dedicated to promoting Integrative/Functional Medicine in North Carolina, the first state in the country to have such a group.
According to Dr. Deborah Matthew, NCIMS president who practices Integrative/Functional Medicine at Signature Wellness, in Charlotte and Belmont, “This is a great group of forward-thinking practitioners who join together to share expertise, support, and mentorship to allow Integrative Medicine to thrive in NC, and make sure that interested patients are able to get the care they are looking for.”
For more information, email info@ncims.comor visit ncims.com.