Lotus Living Arts Studio Offers Thailand Yoga Retreat
With the stunning paradise of Koh Samui, Thailand, as the backdrop, Vicky Geros and other Lotus teachers will guide attendees through twice daily yoga classes including vinyasa and deep stretch, meditation, ecstatic/free-form movement, and much more. There will also be time to explore Koh Samui, relax at the retreat center, dive into the sapphire ocean, rest on the white sand beaches, and explore the endless wonders of Thailand.
Cost for shared accommodations before October 1: $1,795, after October 1: $1,995; cost for single accommodations: $2,395. For more information or to make reservations, visit TrueNatureTravels.com/retreats/yoga-thailand-vicky. Lotus Living Arts Studio, 30 Union St. S., Concord, 980-349-6614. LotusLivingArtsStudio.com.