Transpersonal Power is Expanding Back to Charlotte
“While I’ve spent the last 3.5 years in Wilmington,” Thunberg says, “I’ve managed to stay connected to the vibrant energy in Charlotte. And when the opportunity presented itself to move back to the Queen City, where my business started, I couldn’t pass it up.”
“As the collective consciousness grows, holistic businesses expand worldwide as we collaborate with each other and weave into the mainstream, new avenues of potentiality are opening for the greater good,” she adds.
Thunberg, who is also the president and CEO of The National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists, will also move its headquarters to the greater Charlotte area. She will retain a second location in Wilmington, and continue to offer Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Soul Readings, Mentoring and Life Coaching, and Group Hypnosis.
Transpersonal Power can help people formulate the changes and manifestations they want to easily experience with client-based, personalized hypnosis, classes, meditation, intuitive soul readings, life coaching and mentoring.
For more information call 1-855-772-0459; to make an appointment visit