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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Seasonal Qigong Seminar for Kidney and Hormonal Health

Build a firm foundation for your health in the new year with seasonal qigong. The Empower Life Center, in Charlotte, directed by Camilo Sanchez, MAOM and a licensed acupuncturist, is hosting a seasonal qigong seminar for staying healthy and balanced during the winter season from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on January 19.

Attendees will learn the seasonal cycle of the five elements and how they influence health; the five elements system of Chinese medicine; gain an understanding of the link between the winter season and the kidneys and hormonal health; practice and learn a targeted set of 10 seasonal qigong exercises for strengthening the kidneys, increasing vitality, improving mood and balancing the hormones; apply strategies for correcting seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, low back and joint pain; learn principles of five elements’ nutrition for the winter season and kidney health; and implement lifestyle recommendations for staying healthy during the winter season.

Cost: $125/before Jan. 12, $145/afterwards. Pre-registration is required. Location: 14136 Lancaster Hwy., Pineville. To register, call 704-542-8088 or visit 

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