Consider Advanced Dental Sleep Treatment with Area Leader
The practice collaborates closely with board-certified sleep physicians, ENTs, primary care physicians and other specialists to provide the best overall care and results possible. Follow up appointments also monitor the success of treatments and if there is any jaw change.
Oral appliances are like an orthodontic appliance or sports mouth protector, but are worn during sleep and are specifically designed to provide adequate air intake and normal sleep for those who snore or have the condition obstructive sleep apnea. Comfortable and easy to wear, most find it only takes a couple of days to become acclimated to wearing them. Treatment with oral appliances is reversible and non-invasive.
Their practitioners have attained qualified dentist status with the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and are currently in the process of achieving diplomate status.
Locations: 1000 Copperfield Blvd., Ste. 154, Concord; 7540 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill. For more information or to make an appointment, call 844-975-3376, email [email protected] or visit