New Shape Reclaimed Program at Charlotte Natural Wellness
Charlotte Natural Wellness is now offering spots to participate in their new Shape Reclaimed Program. By utilizing urine testing, Dr. Michelle Dillon, who is guiding the new weight-loss and anti-inflammation program, is able to answer the hard question of “what to eat.”
Dillon, who has been practicing in Charlotte for more than 12 years, is able to customize each person’s diet according to their own individual biochemistry.
Charlotte Natural Wellness takes a holistic approach to providing high-quality, alternative health care and individualized treatment plans for their patients.
Costs: initial visit -- $350; follow-up Shape Reclaimed visits -- three for $399; $50 off initial visit when mention this Brief. Location: 10722 Carmel Commons Blvd., Ste. 450, Charlotte. For more information or to register, call 704-543-5540 or visit