Golden Quest Mystery School to Offer New Classes
Oct 31, 2019 03:32PM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie
Reverend Rebecca Nagy, founder of Golden Quest Mystery School, will teach new classes and online learning beginning January 19, 2020. Students will learn to see through glamour, illusion and Maya; connect to their soul star and higher self; explore esoteric astrology and their soul purpose; understand how to work with the Ascended Masters in the Age of Aquarius; learn how to bring forward their unique qualities and abilities from past lives; and discover the Seven Rays and esoteric psychology, and more.
The curriculum is designed to ensure a progressive and balanced approach to each individual’s spiritual path and the unfolding of their special spiritual gifts through study, meditation, intuitive development and service.
Nagy is a graduate of the mystery school, Sancta Sophia, and also trained at the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences. For 40-plus years, she has studied the ageless wisdom, training as a Qabalist, shaman and Reiki Master Teacher. She is the author of the meditation CD, Instant Calm, a spiritual and past life counselor, a master meditation teacher and a member of the Council of Esoteric Professionals.
She has made presentations for such organizations as Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Life Spectrums, Unity, The Institute of Noetic Science (IONS), SHiFT Charlotte, Whole Life Expo and the Theosophical Society.
Registration and deposit required by Dec. 15. Location: Private residence in Charlotte and via ZOOM; info provided upon registration. For more information and to register, call Rebecca Nagy at 704-661-4957, email or visit