Nov 22-28 Only - New Japanese Inspirational Film: Immortal Hero
Nov 15, 2019 10:12AM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie
Based on the true story of the near-death-experience that compelled Ryuho Okawa to devote his life to spreading the Truth he received from the spiritual realms and masters, Immortal Hero tells the dramatic, inspiring story of Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese writer and publisher who miraculously heals himself from a fatal heart condition after a near-death visitation from powerful spiritual beings. As part of the recovery process, Makoto writes about his powerful ‘rebirth’ as an enlightened and transformed teacher. Although he faces challenges at home and abroad, Makoto promises to use the second chance at life he has been blessed with to make a positive difference for as many people as possible. He commits to ‘die for the truth’, a powerful covenant that defines the purity and intensity of his message of love, our mutual responsibility for one another, and world peace.
This is a movie about the hero we all have living inside of us, and by truly believing in yourself, nothing is impossible and anything IS possible!
For more information and showtimes: please visit Immortal Hero
Rated PG- Family Friendly!
Location: Regal Stonecrest at Piper Glen, 7824 Rea Rd., Charlotte, NC 28277
Dates: Friday November 22nd - Thursday November 28th
For Show Times: Go to Immortal Hero for more information and show times
Review of Film
By Linda Sechrist, Editor/Sr. Staff Writer, Natural Awakenings:
Immortal Hero is definitely a film for this time in history. One that reminds us that we are more than we ever imagined and capable of things we never believed were possible. It is a great depiction of how even individuals, who are tuned in and turned on to following Divine guidance with the best intention for changing the world, can get totally caught up in the intellect, their life’s work and “doing” that they neglect their body’s call for help, their family and the longings of their heart.
One of Immortal Hero’s many aha! moments deepens the understanding that heartfelt gratitude for LIFE and LOVE, as well as the state of awe and wonderment for the Great Mysteries of the Universe, and the feeling of happiness are each a miracle. These are states of being that can release energy being consumed by the mind to handle the tediousness of thinking, allowing it to be redirected to healing failing organs in the body.
There has never been a more important time in the history of our world than right now for the masses to see the true story of Happy Science founder Ryuho Okawa’s miraculous healing and transformation. ~ Linda Sechrist, Editor/Sr. Staff Writer, Natural Awakenings