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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Angel Pets Expo - Rescheduled to Online Event

Mar 28, 2020 11:57AM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie

L. Leigh Love, owner of Bright Star Studio & the Funky Buddha, will present the Angel Pets Expo 2020 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 2 rescheduled to online only. With a theme of Supporting Pets, Enhancing Lives and a focus on showcasing holistic pet care, the pet- and family-friendly event will inform attendees on many resources, services, products and many other types of providers which all support and honor our pets and ourselves as pet parents.

Participants will be able to see presentations and check out a number of vendors representing pet artists and portrait makers, veterinary care, animal acupuncture and chiropractic, pet insurance specialists, pet food and treats, canine rehabilitation, animal trainers, animal reiki and energy work, animal communicators, nonprofit groups, pet memorial items, pet sitters, pet jewelry, pet clothing, pet groomers and more. 

“Angel Pets’ focus is also proudly inclusive of all stages of pet life including young life, adult life, senior pet care, end-of-life care and pet loss grief support,” says Love. “The Angel Pets Expo is comprehensive of ‘all things Pets.’Come learn about supportive pet care products and services, network with a great pet-loving community, join the Angel Pets Movement… pets are angels, pets are family.”

Love, also an animal intuitive, a certified intuitive counselor and certified life coach who works to help us enhance our relationships with our animal companions, will also offer energy work sessions at the event. She is also deeply compassionate and assists people with healing from pet loss, and also operates the websites and


Admission cost: Free. Rescheduled to online only. For more information, call 828-450-4424, email [email protected] or visit


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