Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Based on Dr. Joe Dispenza's Lectures and Meditations
Jun 28, 2020 07:08PM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie
Marilyn Carpenter, owner of Saqred Energy and Dr. Amber Pederson, lead energy practitioner with the same practice as well as the owner of the Healing Platform, will co-host a bi-weekly series featuring Dr. Joe Dispenza’s lectures and guided meditations that share how to heal one’s body through the power within, especially with one’s thoughts, beginning from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on July 19 and continuing every other Sunday through October 18, at Techworks, in Belmont, North Carolina. The techniques and meditations will guide participants on how to re-program their minds and bring their brains and bodies into balance.
The lecture and meditation series has been developed and is presented to be a breakthrough for personal change and transformation for attendees to harness the power within to heal themselves and create the reality they want. Pederson, DC, CFMP, is also a Reiki Master.Free admittance. Location: 52A Ervin St. For more information or to register, call or text 704-561-6633 or email