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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Webinar on Stress, Hormones and Health

Jun 28, 2020 07:15PM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie

People experience stress, which can have a major negative effect on one’s health, in different ways, and currently there has been a lot of additional stressors put on us due to the COVID-19 pandemic, racial tensions and more. To help, Carolinas Natural Health Center is presenting a free live Stress, Hormones and Health webinar at 7:30 p.m. on July 15 and 29.

Many types of stressors begin to shift and change our hormonal balance in our body, and as a result our health begins to decline; energy levels decrease, we become more irritable or sad, sleep patterns become disrupted, libido drops, digestion changes, our brains don’t work as well and we may gain weight. These are just some of the areas that the 600-plus hormones in our body can impact. The webinar will provide information on the factors that need to be addressed to resolve chronic conditions including how nutrition and stress impact hormones and simple changes that can positively impact lifestyle; why hormone imbalances can distort the midsection and what you must do to resolve it; and what works in treating chronic conditions in a natural and safe manner.   

The office is open regular hours to see patients. For those who watch the webinar and want to make an appointment, a discount is provided for the first visit.


For more information or to register, call 704-708-4404 or visit Location of center: 1114 Sam Newell Rd., Ste. A, Matthews, NC


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