Turning the Page on 2020
Jan 02, 2021 01:32PM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie
This month’s letter is going to be short and sweet . . . hopefully. Never have I looked so forward to a New Year. Plus odd-numbered years are luckier for me in general: I was born in an odd year, as were my siblings and my children.
At the same time, I don’t think things will magically get better at midnight on December 31. Rather, January 1 is like a new chapter in a book. You know what happened previously, and now you can look forward to discovering more of the story. The New Year helps me bring into focus my varying perspectives on the current-soon-to-be-over year and how I want to think differently moving forward—that is, how this new chapter can be different just by me thinking differently. Most of all, the New Year is a fresh start and full of possibilities, and that is very exciting right now.
So again, and like many of you, I’m really looking forward to 2021.
Wishing you a fresh start and a joy filled year!