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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Logan Offers Buy One Get One Special for Health Coaching

Ashley Logan, owner of Ashley Logan Wellness Integrative Health Coaching, is offering a special, more affordable way to experience her services via Zoom this holiday season. Through January 6, 2023, those that buy one, 50-minute session for $225 get another session for free. “People are reacclimating to the office environment and the stresses and health issues it can bring. I wanted to launch a special that addresses this unique time”, says Logan. 

“‘Tis the season to let go of habits that keep you stuck feeling overweight, sluggish, tired, overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout,” says the Duke Integrative Medicine and Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) dual-certified Health and Wellness Coach.

“End the year feeling your best with well-balanced practices that nourish your mind, body and soul. You deserve to feel your best!” 

“I believe in a holistic approach to wellness,” adds Logan, who worked for 10-plus years in corporate advertising and marketing, earned a Master of Business Administration in International Business and raised three children before turning her “life-long passion of health and wellness into my profession,” becoming IIN-certified and a registered 200-hour yoga instructor. “Humans are integrated. We must consider our whole self to create the most impactful change. I guide clients to create actionable strategies to support their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness.”


For more information or to make an appointment, direct message @AshleyLoganWellness on Instagram or visit

Ashley Logan Wellness - 7804 Fairview Road 116, Charlotte, NC

I guide women to create sustainable change with actionable strategies that support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness to live a happy, healthy, balanced life. Read More » 



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