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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Awakening From the Stone Age of Thinking in Greater Charlotte

We have evolved to respond to life-threatening situations. Our brains propel our bodies into action to either fight the predator, flee from it or freeze. But in the modern world, the predators aren’t as obvious. We are not running from a tiger through the jungle, but dealing with the same kind of anxiety, and sometimes cannot even identify why. Thus, many people are crippled by anxiety that is disrupting their sleep, affecting their mood, and reducing their energy.

Cereset, founded on the principle that the brain can correct itself when it can “see” that it is stuck or unbalanced, is not a medical device to heal, treat, diagnose, or cure. It non-invasively supports the brain to relax to rebalance and reset itself for optimal regulation. Patented “brain echo” technology allows the brain to recognize via sound whether it is stuck in fight, flight, or freeze, and self-correct where necessary.

Cereset sessions allow the brain to function at its optimal level because a balanced brain is a better brain and sustains a healthy person in every way.


Julie Martin, MA, LCMHC, CSAT, is co-owner of Cereset Davidson and a mental health counselor specializing in anxiety and depression. Cereset Davidson, located at 709 Northeast Dr., unit 19, is the only Cereset location in NC. For more information, call 704-533-2035, email or visit

Cereset Davidson - 709 Northeast Dr Ste 19 Davidson NC

Cereset Davidson - 709 Northeast Dr Ste 19, Davidson, NC

WE ARE CERESET. WE HELP YOUR BRAIN HELP YOU. The brain is your central command center. When your brain is out of balance, or stuck, you don’t feel right and it’s impossible to function ... Read More » 



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