Hitting the Holiday Brakes
Dec 04, 2023 10:09AM ● By Shannon Mc KenzieNow is about the time when I wonder how the year went by so quickly, and why the holidays always come at me like a freight train with no brakes. How, once again, they’re here and I’m not prepared for them.
The difference this year is I don’t feel like getting stressed and working through a daily to-do list that ends with fewer checkmarks and more to dos.
Nope, I want to slow down and do less. I want to think about what’s truly important and focus on accomplishing those things and let a lot of other things go. Like this letter, for example—I’m OK with it being shorter than usual.
This is a new feeling for me. It feels good, and I hope it lasts.
Wishing you a happy and relaxing holiday free of an excessive to-do list,