Enlightened by Tachyons
Mar 30, 2024 02:27PM ● By Jay Workman
Adrienne Craighead is an experienced energy healer and luminous lightworker with a passion for people. She founded TorchBearer Tachyon in 2022, activating Charlotte’s first tachyon spa during the transformative energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal. There are only a handful of these unique tachyon spas around the world. It is a true energy vortex that incorporates light, sound, smell and vibration, a proprietary combination of noble metals and crystals to deliver a high concentration of tachyons to the visitor.
Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than the speed of light. They provide profound benefits for the human body, including the ability to remove blocks and increase alignment and balance in four arenas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
During each client’s one-hour visit, they will enjoy reaching theta brainwaves which provide a deep (yet gentle) multidimensional detox. Many clients report getting messages from their guides (or loved ones that have transitioned) or even experiencing astral travel during their sessions which help fuse more life-force energy (chi, qi, prana, source-energy, or zero-point energy) into physical matter. Like chiropractic care, most clients achieve optimal alignment with three to five visits, but some will have transcendent experiences their first time.
Benefits include faster healing after surgery, including pain reduction and regaining mobility quicker; relief of chronic pain from injuries and accidents; relief of chronic allergies, sensitivities, eczema; improved immune system; deeper and more regenerative sleep; blood pressure regulation; relief of arthritic stiffness and overexertion; elimination of fears and traumas; improved motivation and clarity of mind; significantly reduced depression, anxiety and grief; release of anger and stress responses; increased energy levels-physical and emotional; and clarity about personal decisions and relationships.
Craighead’s journey to discovering tachyon therapy began with the arrival of COVID-19. She noticed that her anxiety was ramping up to levels affecting every area of her life. While she had always been successful at keeping worries at bay with hiking, yoga and breathing exercises, the persistent fear felt more resistant to her usual spiritual tools.
Following her intuition, she revisited therapeutic modalities such as chiropractic, reiki, acupuncture, reflexology and hypnosis, but divine guidance led her to meet with Dr Joe McNamara and try tachyon therapy for her first time. During the first session, she felt herself slipping into a deeper meditation than she’d ever experienced before and astral traveled for the very first time.
Natural Awakenings readers can use promocode AWAKEN20 to save $22 on their first visit (reg. $111). TorchBearer Tachyon is located inside the Cornelius Center for Healing at 19900 S. Main St., Unit 4, Ste. E, in Cornelius. For more information, visit TorchBearerTachyon.com.

TorchBearer Tachyon Chamber - 19900 S Main St, Unit 4 Suite E, Cornelius, NC
TorchBearer Tachyon exists to help humans achieve greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual alignment. The founders discovered the amazing benefits of tachyons while on a personal... Read More »