Mental Mission
Jun 01, 2024 09:31AM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie
Mental health, the subject of this month’s feature article, has fascinated me more over time as I age. I am more inclined to wonder why I think the thoughts I think; to be curious (sometimes upset) by my knee-jerk reactions to certain events; and to be more intentional about how I want to show up mentally in the world each day. I’m also noticing how, despite my best intentions, I can get triggered and go off the deep end—making an overly sarcastic comment, for example, or getting upset in traffic. That said, the reverse is true as well: I often find myself being more patient or helpful than usual. Both things can happen quickly, and I don’t know why.
I do know it’s a major thing I want to continue to work on. So I was glad to learn there are now many natural, noninvasive therapies designed to improve mental health, ranging from nutrition to meditation to cutting-edge technology. In this month’s Wise Words article by Sandra Yetati Jeffrey R. Gladden on Cracking the Code of Longevity, Dr. Gladden describes his personal mission to solve, heal and transcend “all of the mental health issues and past trauma(s), enabling me to have more wisdom and empathy, and freeing me to bring all my gifts forward. . . .” It sounded like a bold declaration when I first read it—but now I realize that’s what I want too.
Wishing you progress toward self-actualization this June,