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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Holistic Functional Nutrition Counseling in the Charlotte Area

Suzie Franz, owner of Winding Creek Holistic Functional Nutrition, based in Davidson, North Carolina, provides private in-person and virtual consultations and complimentary pre-consultations. She employs holistic strategies to uncover the root causes of illness that can arise from poor nutrition, toxicity, parasites, and other environmental factors. Functional Nutrition counseling utilizes life-changing strategies to help heal modern-day common afflictions such as IBS and gut issues, thyroid problems and hormone dysregulation, metabolic imbalances, weight loss/gain, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disorders.

Suzie, who is referred by many types of health care providers, has more than 35 years of experience in health care, including expertise in clinical physical therapy, a national board certification in Functional Nutrition (specializing in cellular detoxing), and is a 350-hour certified yoga instructor with advanced pediatric and special needs training. 

Suzie stables her three riding horses on her property in Davidson and for over 40 years has rehabilitated many injured horses and dogs, working closely with veterinarians.


Location: 9870 Harvest Lane, Davidson. For a free pre-consultation or to make an appointment, call or text 618-558-1641 or email For more information, visit

Winding Creek Holistic Functional Nutrition - 9870 Harvest Ln, Davidson, NC

My name is Suzie Franz. I am Board Certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and have been a holistic practitioner for over 25 years with advanced training in cellular detox. I am pass... Read More » 



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