Small Acts. Big Wins
Oct 01, 2024 09:32AM ● By Shannon McKenzie
My heart warmed and I got a little emotional this month when I read the global
brief “Scouts Save Life Mid-Flight.” My
son is a longtime scout, and I think the
knowledge he has gained (CPR, first aid,
cooking . . .) and the values instilled in
him (honesty, integrity, hard work, helping others . . .) is invaluable.
It is a great organization among many
organizations—Girl Scouts, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and too
many more to name individually—working with kids and teenagers
throughout the country, staffed primarily by parents and community
volunteers. I imagine there are times when some of the young par
ticipants and the adult volunteers don’t see the good they are doing.
It’s not like they get a lot of media coverage. For those who might
question the value of investing their time with this organization, I
hope stories like this one are inspiring.
Many of us feel unappreciated at times. The hard work we do to earn
a merit badge, or a rank doesn’t seem to matter to the rest of the
world, or the sacrifices we make to give our children opportunities
seem to go unnoticed. But then a group of Scouts happen to be on
a plane and help save a life.
Know that all you do, however seemingly small, does matter.
Enjoy this beautiful month of October,