How I Am Aging Gratefully
Oct 31, 2024 09:37AM ● By Betty Marlin, RN, MSN, SANE
Psalm 92:14-15 “(The righteous) shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is (our) rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” I am married to the Lord. Isaiah 54.
I am preparing to leave a loving, peaceful, grateful legacy and I have prepared physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, financially and legally. I am in good health—eating, sleeping, doing activities of daily living without medication and without help. My memory is good and I’m still productive. I am emotionally free of fear and active socially with my church, community and home. The Holy Spirit guides me in all of my decision-making. I give God the glory for my success. My finances are in order with a co-signer on my bank account—I am debt- free. My Living Will, irrevocable trust, health care power of attorney, power of attorney and Will for my estate are all notarized and locked up with my bank account statements for my tax accountant.
I organized a Spiritual Women’s Retreat 21 years ago that continues to meet quarterly. The dates for the rest of this year and next: November 29 to December 1, January 31 to February 2, May 30 to June 1, August 29 to 31 and October 31 to November 2. It is an opportunity for older women to mentor younger women (Titus 2). My prayer is to uplift and build women up in their utmost faith.
At 80, I am so grateful for my life, and believe it is imperative for all of us to plan how we want to age and put a plan in place to make it happen.
Registered Nurse Betty Marlin is an adult/child sexual assault nurse examiner and owner of Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, located at 508 Beatties Ford Rd. For more information, to register for a Spiritual Women’s Retreat or to schedule an appointment, call 704-347-1172. Also visit
Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. - 508 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC
Opened in 1987 by founder, owner and CEO, Nurse Marlin, Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. provides holistic health care for the unserved, underserved and uninsured. - Physicals - F... Read More »