Wipe Out Waste: Ask A Meck County Expert - Give More By Using Less This Holiday Season

Ask A Meck County Expert
Mecklenburg Solid Waste experts receive hundreds of residential waste disposal and recycling questions weekly. To educate and empower Natural Awakenings readers, their experts provide updates and answer some of the most frequently asked questions in a bi-monthly column.
Give More by Using Less this Holiday Season
The average U.S. household produces 30 percent more waste during the holiday season. This year, please consider the following tips to have a more sustainable festive season:
1. Buy gifts that do not require wrapping or wrap gifts with the comic section of the newspaper or other reusable paper.
2. When shopping, take reusable bags to reduce packaging.
3. Make decorations out of recycled or natural materials.
4. Use cloth napkins and washable flatware and skip the paper towels. The landfill will be glad you did.
After the holidays Mecklenburg County residents can bring up to two live trees to any of our four Full-Service Recycling Centers at no cost (there is a fee for artificial trees).
This holiday season, consider using less stuff and always recycle right.
If you have program questions about recycling, waste diversion or anything else related to waste, please visit WipeOutWaste.com. To submit a waste disposal and recycling question, email SolidWaste@MeckNC.gov. Jeff Smithberger, Director of Solid Waste, answers the top seven residential recycling questions at https://tinyurl.com/MeckRecyleRightFAQs.

Mecklenburg Solid Waste - 2145 Suttle Ave, Charlotte, NC
Waste Reduction & Recycling: Free Online Educational Presentations for Residents http://bit.ly/MeckRecycleRightVirtual Wishful recycling (placing items in recycling that is actua... Read More »