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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Roll with the Changes

Dec 31, 2024 09:45AM ● By Shannon McKenzie

The last couple of months have been planning season for me, and it feels good. I have some time before retirement, but I’m happy to get into the details now in preparation. It’s also gratifying to map out options for a time when my kids are off to college. My life has felt a bit static for a while now, so thinking about changes in my path ahead, with fresh opportunities, is exciting. I’m looking forward to the new year—or maybe just the future in general—as I know these now-blurry ideas become clearer with the passage of time.

Just by thinking about and declaring what we want in life, we’re putting it out to the universe, and the universe really wants to help each one of us accomplish our heart’s desires. The universe also guides us to a more authentic state when we sincerely and confidently declare we want things that we really do not (perhaps what society, our culture, the people around us “tell us” we should want). It may take us some time to get the message, but I think the universe gently and patiently perseveres until we do. 

So, knowing that I don’t have to perfectly understand in the present what I want in the future helps me feel more confident that I’ll wind up on the right path. This exercise alone has gotten the ball rolling.

Wishing you your heart’s desire in 2025 and beyond,




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