Special Craniosacral Therapy Program for TMJ Disorder

Catherine Warner, owner and CEO of Hold Space Healing, provides a special Craniosacral Therapy program for TMJ Disorder. This totally unique method, that she attests is offered nowhere else in Charlotte, comprehensively addresses the root cause of TMJD. According to Warner, “when the nervous system is dysregulated, the pelvis contracts which results in the jaw contracting. Craniosacral Therapy coupled with mind-body homework and continued exercises (that bring awareness to the jaw-pelvis connection) help regulate the nervous system and relieve TMJD.”
The five-week program includes one 30-minute Craniosacral session per week and homework consisting of stretches, somatic exercises and journaling for emotional reflection.
“This program was specifically designed for people with chronic TMJ issues and pain [like] chronic neck and shoulder pain, headaches, migraines, jaw clicking/popping/tension, pain when chewing, allergies, deviated septum, tongue tie, nerve damage or cartilage loss to the jaw, that may have tried ‘everything’ to no avail and are looking for more long-lasting relief,” says Warner, an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Wellness Educator, Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist and Reiki Practitioner.
Cost: $350 for the entire five weeks. Location: 1208 The Plaza, Charlotte. For more information or to make an appointment, call 704-750-5051, email Catherine.Holdspace@gmail.com or visit Holdspace-Healing.com.

Hold Space Healing - 1208 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC
Craniosacral Therapy (CST): CST is a gentle touch therapy used by palpating the bones of the "cranio" skull and "sacral" tailbone to allow cerebrospinal fluid to move more freely. this al... Read More »