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Take back control over your health and schedule a free clarity call today! 704-588-5560.
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Dr. Tiffany Brown-Bush is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine and is licensed through the NC Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors. She provides ADHD Intensives and a brain health assessment. Download your free Perimenopause and ADHD Survival Guide from
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🎉 JUMPSTART I’m excited to introduce JUMPSTART, our new 12-week group fitness program designed to support women through perimenopause and beyond! With JUMPSTART, you’ll experience: Balanced Hormones and Increased Energy: Our group-based workouts and nutrition plans are tailored to address hormonal fluctuations and boost your energy. Improved Sleep and Enhanced Vitality: Regular exercise and expert support will help you sleep better and feel more rejuvenated. Achieving Your Fitness Goals: Whether you want to reduce body fat or build strength, JUMPSTART provides the structure and motivation you need to succeed. JUMPSTART is available to help you tackle menopause challenges with a supportive community and effective solutions. Are you ready to improve your menopausal symptoms? Secure your spot, today, with this link: Not sure if this program is for you? Book a 15-minute JUMPSTART Informational call, with me, using the link below: Your friend, Coach Zetta #perimenopause #menopause #onlinefitnessforwomen #strengthtraining #hiittraining #accountability #JUMPSTART #COACHZETTA #Betterbodies4us
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Dr. Roger Hunter is owner of Nirvana Hyperbaric Institute in Mooresville and is available for free consultation to see if HBOT is right for you. Call 704-471-4100 to book your appointment.
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Your Body Is Your Temple Program - Now 33% off!

Do you need accountability when it comes to staying on track becoming more healthy? Are you struggling to keep the weight off and would like a nutrition coach you can text daily? Transform Your Health Using Whole Food Nutrition Integrating Mind, Body, & Soul Practice * Work with Licensed Registered Dietitian with more than 15 years experience * Holistic personalized approach * Practical nutrition to facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal * Assessing the whole person—considering mindset, nutrition, movement, and spirituality * Tailored guidance and support, ensuring that each client receives the tools and strategies they need to thrive * Addresses all aspects of well-being * Empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and cultivate a balanced, healthy lifestyle What you’ll get: * Start by completing the Body Mind Soul Questionnaire * Initial 60 minute private consult with me to get you started * Create realistic goals to work towards * Digital journal to stay on track * Stay accountable with daily chat messages with me – no appointment needed Visit
Get this limited time offer of 33% off the program (4 months) when you email: to sign up with 33% off. Go to for more information.
10% Off Services

Natural Awakenings Readers Receive 10% Off Services Through December 2024 and For a Limited Time in 2025. Mold inspections and testing. Improve your indoor air quality today! Call 704-964-7681 and mention "Natural Awakenings"
Not to be combined with other offers. For a limited time only.