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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Snow Offers Flute Music CDs and Classes, Meditation, Coaching and More

Oct 31, 2019 03:35PM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie

 Christy Snow, a Charlotte-based meditation and flute teacher, musician, minister and coach, offers related music works and services that assist others in finding their center and living from a space of peace and balance. Her music, that can nourish the mind, body and soul, plus meditations and classes, tie into the natural sleep solutions theme and foster creative, holistic and peaceful sleep.

Snow has five native-inspired flute CDs, a guided meditation CD and two chanting CDs, all of which have been proven by client testimonials to aid in rest, relaxation and sleep. Spiraling into Infinity (a musical guide through the chakras) and Attune to the Ancients (the tribal and trance-like sounds of the flute, drum and didgeridoo) are Snow’s top-selling flute CDs. Peaceful Journey is a meditation CD of affirmative statements for greater peace and is recommended for morning and/or evening meditations.

Snow also conducts flute and meditation classes, both of which help relax the mind and body for restful sleep.


Location: by appointment only at 5200 Park Rd., Ste. 102B. For more information or to arrange for a flute lesson or coaching session or attend a meditation class, call 704-516-7113, email or visit CDs can be listened to and purchased via the website. 


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