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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Consider Mindfulness for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Patient in Wheelchair Practicing Mindfulness


Mindfulness training may help the estimated 1 million Americans with multiple sclerosis (MS) manage their emotions and process information quicker, according to a new study from Ohio State University. Researchers split 62 people with MS into three groups. The mindfulness group learned such practices as focusing on the breath and doing mental “body scans”. A second group underwent adaptive cognitive therapy training with computerized games that focused on skills like paying attention, switching focus and planning. The third group was a control. After four weeks, those in the mindfulness group were more likely to report being better able to handle their emotions than those in the other groups. The mindfulness group also had higher levels of cognitive processing speed, a reduction in the time it takes to complete mental tasks, along with increased understanding and response times.


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