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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

READER SPOTLIGHT: Why I read Natural Awakenings Magazine

Holiday Adams

Many moons ago, before our lives digitally fused and social distancing was just rude, I depended monthly on Natural Awakenings for success at my job. I was Director of Programming for the Healthy Home Markets where scores of people came weekly to learn about personal and planetary health. Each Natural Awakenings issue consistently confirmed my choice for promoting programs and branding the company – for 10 years.

 Presently, I have the luxury of reading this publication for the joy of it, though not all the articles reveal an easy path to joy. Some articles are about grit and cultural problems, but always coupled with a variety of solutions, hence hope. My personal journey calls out for what Natural Awakenings offers, and I feel there is a sort of kindness on every page. I tap into it for help with emotional needs, physical pain, and spiritual longings, and even the ads are cool! The word “Joy” comes to mind when I think of the unmistakable sense of community, and the implied sustaining of all communities the magazine advocates.

Promoting kindness is a cornerstone of health and sustainability of all types. Every month Natural Awakenings shows me more ways of connecting the dots of kindness, healing, and stewardship, and the emphasis on sustainability of the larger culture means everything to me. I am deeply invested in mitigating the climate crisis and supporting habitats locally and globally. Can we heal ourselves together and mitigate what we have done to our beloved Earth? Natural Awakenings still gives me hope as I work and pray to hold in honor and healing the future of all the grandchildren of every species.

 -Holliday Adams

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