Mecklenburg County Compost & Mulch - Green Profile 2021

Spring is compost and mulch season! Did you know your curbside yard waste (leaves and brush) is upcycled into high quality gardening products? Recycling yard waste saves landfill space, remains local and is affordable. Mecklenburg County has high quality compost available in conveniently packaged 1.25 cubic foot bags and delivery is offered for bulk compost and mulch from our external partner, C&M Restorations. Reduce your carbon footprint with upcycled yard products available at the Compost Central and Foxhole Full-Service Centers.
Locations for bulk pick-up: 140 Valleydale Rd., Charlotte; 17131 Lancaster Hwy., Charlotte. For more information, visit For delivery, call C&M at 704-858-7617.