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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Qigong to Enhance Energy and Prevent Chronic Health Issues

Sifu Camilo Sanchez, L. Ac, MAOM, will lead an Essential Qigong Exercises for Strengthening Your Life Energy class beginning on March 3 at the Empower Life Center, in Charlotte. In the first of four weekly editions, attendees will learn how the method can help harness and bolster our inner life energy, prevent and reverse chronic health imbalances by eliminating toxic and blocked energy from the body, absorb healthy energy from nature, upgrade and renew qi energy, as well as balance and integrate life energy. 

Qigong meditation for experiencing stillness and clarity of spirit will also be experienced.

Sanchez is an experienced teacher and practitioner of Chinese holistic medicine, qigong and tai chi, and a 20th-generation Taoist Qigong instructor. 


Location: 14136 Lancaster Hwy. For more information or to register, call 704-542-8088 or visit

Empower Life Center - 14136 Lancaster Hwy Charlotte NC

Empower Life Center - 14136 Lancaster Hwy, Charlotte, NC

We are a mind and body wellness center committed to guiding and empowering the innate ability of your body to heal and experience sustainable wellness. At the Empower Life Center we pr... Read More ยป 


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