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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

December 2023 Upcoming Issue of Natural Awakenings Charlotte


Theme:  Holidays and Uplifting Humanity

Feature:  The Healing Power of Generosity and Gratitude

How giving of time, treasure, and talent fulfils our souls purpose and heals the body

Stories and interviews with who have taken their life tragedies and challenges, turned them around and are paying it forward in whole health in many ways; e.g. 1) through creation of nonprofit organizations that help others in similar situations or provide philanthropic donations and/or 2) donating their time and/or talents to help others.

Green Living: What really happens when you donate clothing

Exploration of most frequently asked questions around the topic, and tips to sustainably donate clothes 

When considering donating clothing, it's important to understand the impact it may have on the environment. This article explores the questions of what kind of clothing should not be donated, which charity is most ethical to donate to, and the reasons for donating clothing. Massive amounts of clothes that end up in landfills and the many retail stores choose to destroy or throw away unsold clothing instead of donating. 

Fit Body: Take charge of your fitness journey, innovative ideas to prep now for the new year!

Have purpose beyond personal fitness an innovative approach to sticking to your fitness goals this coming year. 

 This article focuses on innovative tips to plan to transform your fitness habits while caring for the planet. Virtual Fitness Classes, Outdoor Adventures, Sustainable exercise equipment, and activewear, Eco-Friendly Hydration, Community Initiatives, etc. 

Healing Ways: Intermittent fasting through the holidays

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity for weight loss, improved cardiometabolic health, overall well-being, and cognitive performance. There are multiple approaches to intermittent fasting, including Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF), Alternate-Day Fasting (ADF), the 5:2 Diet, and the Warrior Diet. All forms of intermittent fasting have similar benefits, and individuals can choose the method that suits their lifestyle and goals. The benefits of intermittent fasting include improved cognitive function, weight loss, enhanced cardiometabolic risk factors, blood sugar control, and improved gut microbiome. 


Conscious Eating: A Holiday Host’s Survival Guide to Every Guests’ Dietary Needs

As the holiday season approaches, by understanding dietary needs and preferences, creating a diverse and delicious menu, prioritizing allergy awareness and safety, and embracing alternative ingredients, we can host gatherings that are inclusive, sustainable, and truly memorable. 

·      Understanding Dietary Needs and Preferences

·      Creating a Diverse and Delicious Menu

·      Allergy Awareness and Safety Measures

·      Tips for alternative ingredients for common food allergies and diets


Healthy Kids: Teaching Kids Life and Character Skills at Every Age: A Comprehensive Guide

As parents, educators, and caregivers, we all want our children to grow into well-rounded, successful adults. Beyond academic knowledge, there are essential life and character skills that we need to teach them from a young age to help them become responsible, empathetic, and resilient individuals. But at what age do children learn these skills? And how do we teach them?


Natural Pets: DIY Homemade Safe Gifts for Your Furry Friends

As pet owners, we all know the joy of spoiling our beloved pets with toys, treats, and accessories. But have you ever thought about making your own DIY gifts for your furry friends? Not only is it a fun and creative way to spend time with your pet, but it's also an environmentally conscious choice as you can use recycled materials and avoid buying products with excessive packaging. In this article, we'll walk you through some simple, safe, and sustainable DIY gift ideas for your pets.


Inspiration: The Gift of Self

During the holiday season, the hustle and bustle can often overshadow the joy we're seeking. But amidst the chaos, we have an opportunity to reconnect with nature's stillness and restore our own energy. By making conscious choices like being realistic with our finances and simplifying our obligations, we can find authenticity and be fully present in the moment. As the winter solstice approaches, let's prioritize inner peace and create beautiful memories that nourish our spirits.


Eco Tip: Hosting an eco-friendly holiday party

Get ready to host an eco-friendly holiday party and reduce your carbon footprint! Simple tips to make a difference. Send digital invitations, choose sustainable decorations like pinecones and repurposed items, use locally sourced and seasonal ingredients, opt for biodegradable tableware or your own dishes, conserve energy with lower thermostat and natural light, plan a zero-waste menu and compost your food scraps. Give your guests sustainable party favors like reusable bottles or organic seeds. 

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