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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

January 2024 Upcoming Issue of Natural Awakenings Charlotte


Theme:  Holistic Health and Wellness


Feature:  Graceful Aging

Taking a wellness approach through the lifespan approach rather than a sick care approach. How to navigate & afford functional medicine. Interviews include Dr. Gladys McGarey, Deepak Chopra and Dr. Tom O’Bryan.


Healing Ways: Reversing Alzheimer's 

Medical breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s/Brain health treatment and support. Dale Bredesen – 40 years research, institutes, recode, etc. Interviews include Kat Toups and Dr. Dale Bredsen.


Conscious Eating: Eating For Your Thyroid

According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly five in 100 Americans suffer from hypothyroidism, which occurs, when the body does not produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones. Common symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, inability to tolerate cold temperatures and hair loss should not be ignored. Diagnosis is aided by a blood test that measures levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones. While most cases of an underactive thyroid are mild or have few obvious symptoms, the disease can become severe if it is left untreated.  


Fit Body: Preventing Falls

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every four adults aged 65 and older report trips and falls each year, and 9 million of those falls result in an injury. These sobering statistics highlight the importance of learning how to prevent such mishaps. Includes tips.


Green Living: Growing Young In Nature

For seniors, exposure to green and blue spaces inspires a more active lifestyle that is both spiritually and socially engaged, thereby offsetting the challenges of chronic illness, disability and isolation. Whether playing Scrabble under the shade of a tree, strolling along the banks of a lake with friends or planting flowers and herbs in a raised garden bed, adding that outdoor element to any activity is a win-win.


Healthy Kids - KidFluencers 

Social media has made it easier than ever to share ideas, and today’s generation of digital natives are adept at using it. With one video post, they can reach thousands in minutes. Welcome to the world of “kidfluencers”: young people with throngs of online followers that use their platforms to sway their peers (and adults, too). Aged 16 or younger, these engaged leaders know the ins-and-outs of the latest technology and understand that there is power in becoming more than just a passive viewer. While some use social media outlets to earn sponsorships or market products, others leverage their online brands to inspire agents of change and make a positive difference in the world. 


Natural Pets: How Pet And Animals Can Keep Us Young

When stress and cognitive decline are prevalent concerns, the role of companion animals in promoting human cognitive health has gained significant attention. Pet parents know that having a furry family member at home can enhance life in countless ways emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Numerous studies reinforce the idea that having a dog, cat or other animal companion can have a positive impact in enhancing mental faculties and mitigating cognitive decline. That is great news for the 86.9 million, or two-thirds, of U.S. households that own a pet. 


Inspiration: Letting The Seasons Enrich Us

Only when we are full of seasons can we offer the sweetest fruit in the form of shared knowledge, skills and hard-earned wisdom. Most of all, we become living examples of the Chinese proverb: “To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."


Wise Words: Sharon Bruckman On Celebrating a Labor of Love

In 1994, Sharon Bruckman started a natural health, conscious living magazine called Natural Awakenings in Naples, Florida. Within a few years and with the help of partners and collaborators, she turned that single edition into a national franchise. In an industry that has seen so many publications fail, Natural Awakenings thrived under her steady leadership, at its zenith amassing 95 franchisee-publishers across the U.S., including Hawaii and Puerto Rico.


Eco Tip: Eco Friendly Home Tips

Solar panels and green roofs, plus any other green home initiatives from insulation and home energy products (and testing) to rain gardens and water conservation. Also green architects, places that sell green home products, energy consultants and energy audits, windows, etc.

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