College Preparation Tips from Charlotte's Nurse Marlin
Jun 28, 2024 09:32AM ● By Betty Marlin, RN, MSN, SANE
With knowledge from the 38 years that I’ve been providing affordable primary care to the Charlotte community including back-to-school physicals, I have put together a checklist for new college students. It involves getting tasks done in advance (unforeseen circumstances can make seemingly easy tasks take longer) and planning for the unexpected (the “best-laid plans of mice and men”). This list could be helpful for anyone.
Here are some suggestions to “enjoy” the challenge:
- Organize and complete pre-registration for classes before the due date.
- Collect all books and class requirements at least one week before classes begin
- Get all required vaccinations, a copy of your medical records/office visits and needed prescriptions filled for the entire semester.
- Contact roommate in advance and coordinate furniture, window treatments, food, etc., ideally with an on-site visit at least one month before the move.
- Get library card, student I.D. and health information submitted at least one week before classes begin.
- Confirm on- and off-campus transportation options, obtain parking pass and pack the car with all needed items at least 24 hours before you leave for the campus. Just doing this may jog your memory of possible missing items and you’ll have the time to get them.
- Besides car insurance, also confirm student health insurance and renters’ or dorm insurance. (Also, check to see if you are covered under parents’ homeowner or renters’ insurance and what the deductible is.)
- Recheck class assignments at least one week before classes begin. You may have been reassigned to a different professor and room number.
- Have an exit plan such as an alternative school or even a job should something unexpected happen requiring you to leave the school.
- Make a list of emergency school phone numbers for parents and home phone numbers for school.
- Complete a living will and a personal will or trust for parents or a significant other to carry out if needed.
This is an exciting time in life, so plan ahead, have some additional peace of mind and enjoy your next chapter. Some colleges and universities require students to have a physical exam before starting classes. Register for our free annual school physical clinic from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, or make an appointment any other time this summer for a physical ($60).
Registered Nurse Betty Marlin is a parent/child clinical nurse specialist and owner of Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A.,located at 508 Beatties Ford Rd. For more information or to schedule a free school physical exam on Aug. 17 or a $60 physical at another time this summer, call 704-347-1172.
Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. - 508 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC
Opened in 1987 by founder, owner and CEO, Nurse Marlin, Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. provides holistic health care for the unserved, underserved and uninsured. - Physicals - F... Read More »