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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Charlotte Area Light House Spiritual Ministry Provides Special Facebook Group

During these hard times, it can be difficult for spiritual people to find community to raise awareness together, support each other in the grief and change-making process, and work towards sacred activism. To help, the Light House Spiritual Ministry (LHSM) operates a Facebook group to add our energies and voices toward being the change and putting spiritual principles to work for human rights and justice for all. In-person opportunities are shared here as well. 

“Sacred activism is a social justice approach that combines spirituality and mindful awareness with anti-racism and justice work,” says Rev. Kendall Heath. “Together, we can become informed, renew our hope, raise our self-awareness and awareness of others, and build a more authentic, diverse community based on compassion-in-action, love-in-action and peace-in-action.”

LHSM is centered around the 
help Heath can offer towards spiritual growth and healing, spiritual activism, teachings in intuitive development and spiritual ideologies and practices, and the Integral Soul Healing model of personal and spiritual wellness and growth, which includes shadow work and steps into self-realization and integration.

“It is my sincere calling to act as a bridge between higher consciousness and the realities of living day-to-day in this world, including the responsibilities we share of service to each other,” she adds. “I believe that every life path is ultimately a heart path, and that heart-opening, love-in-action, and finding the way through that compassionate, brave portal is the spiritual journey.”

Join their private Facebook group, (search “Authentic Spirituality & Sacred Activism”), or email [email protected]. For more information, visit

Light House Spiritual Ministry Rev Kendall Heath  - Online Mooresville NC

Light House Spiritual Ministry, Rev. Kendall Heath - Online, Mooresville, NC

Hello, I am Rev. Kendall Heath, an Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister, trained and ordained by One Spirit Seminary out of NYC, and I opened Light House Spiritual Center in Mooresville, NC... Read More » 


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