In September, Serenity

Never have I connected to a monthly magazine theme as much as this month’s “Emotional Well-Being.”
As I sit to write this letter, I’m reflecting on my evolution with coronavirus, as evidenced by several months of publisher letters. April started on a high note, with my letter reading, “I’ve been impressed by how quickly our communities can respond to an imminent threat; it’s encouraging to see that we can do hard things.” My best friend told me recently that she thought of me when she heard someone talking of people who look for the positive; I was kind of surprised, but I can see it in my April letter. The May/June letter talked about how our household set stay-at-home goals, and how we’d fallen into a companionable routine of long walks, bike rides and family games. Still looking for the positive. July was about my kids’ effort to save a bird, and how they hid it from me because they thought I would tell them that saving it was futile. Things were going a little south. Then in August, I confessed, “I want desperately to be positive, but I spend at least part of each day feeling anxious, worried, even weak-legged.”
As much as I’d like my April and May/June frame of mind now, that isn’t my reality. Instead I’m ready and relieved to “practice compassion for myself and others,” which is the last of several “Simple Self-Care Strategies” by Margaret Wyche on page x. This particular strategy concludes, “Accept the fact that we’re all human. It costs nothing to be kind to yourself and others. This is uncharted water for everyone.” In the same article, Margaret also mentions the Serenity Prayer, so I thought it would be useful to include it here:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Wishing you serenity, whatever this month may bring.
Shannon McKenzie