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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Find Integrative Medicine at Atrium Health

Integrative Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Britney Pettigrew is accepting new patients at Atrium Health NorthEast Internal & Integrative Medicine after joining the practice in August. A FNP is a licensed medical professional responsible for general patient care with duties similar to that of a registered nurse or family doctor.

NorthEast Internal & Integrative Medicine is an adult primary care practice that takes a holistic approach to personalized healthcare. Integrative medicine combines common treatment options with less conventional therapies for which there is scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness. These may include massage therapy; nutritional supplementation; nutritional counseling; an herbal and nutritional supplement retail pharmacy; Healing Touch; reiki; and guided imagery.

Location: 707 Memorial Blvd., Concord, NC. For appointments and more information, call 704-403-7050 or visit NorthEast Internal & Integrative Medicine.





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