Reach Natural Awakenings Readers Online for Free

Natural Awakenings Charlotte offers free directory listings and calendar events for businesses in the natural health, wellness and green-living space, and with COVID-19 restrictions in place, web traffic is up. To create a directory listing or calendar event go to and select "List Your Business" or "Submit An Event" from the menu at the bottom of the screen. "Create an Account" first, create listing and then make changes and updates as needed.
Once a business directory listing is set up, enter "Offers" to promote business specials. An offer looks like a coupon and appears within the directory listing. This is a great additional marketing option as we enter the holiday season.
With the COVID-19 shutdown, people are searching the web for information more than ever, and Natural Awakenings is a major natural health, wellness and green-living resource, both locally in Charlotte and nationwide. Now is the time for businesses to be listed on
Basic listings are free. For more information on upgraded listing options and advertising with Natural Awakenings Charlotte, call 704-499-3327, email or visit

Natural Awakenings Charlotte - PO Box 456, Cornelius, NC
Natural Awakenings Magazine is Charlotte's healthy living magazine. We're your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. Our mission is to provide insights and information to improve the ... Read More »